Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vermont Camping

As a avid camper and fisherman and a member of the Nahanni Camping and Fishing Club I always look forward to out annual camping trip to northern Vermont. The most recent trip was a lot of fun and it was great to see everybody. The weather was a bit col but we all had out cold weather sleeping bags so that was not a problem. You can read more about the trip at our official site - Nahanni Camping and Fishing Club. Most of us will not go camping again until the spring although I hope to get some fall or winter camping of at least some hiking accomplished.
  1. Coleman North Rim 0-Degree Mummy Bag
  2. Zero Degree Sleeping Bags
  3. Coleman North Rim 0-degree Mummy Bag
  4. Camping is Fun... with a Warm Sleeping B...
  5. The Coleman Company and Cold Weather Sle...
  6. Coleman Cold Weather Sleeping Bags
  7. Do you like camping in cold weather?
  8. Featured Lenses
  9. Cold Weather Camping

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