Monday, November 12, 2012

High Intensity Strength Training

So many people regularly train with weights yet so few people use proper high intensity strength training methods to get maximum results. Weather you are using free weights, weight machines or body weight exercises. The use of high intensity training, and using proper exercise form will yield maximum results in minimal time. As an experienced fitness trainer I know how vital it is to train correctly and to have an understanding of how and why you should workout. The Fitness Center Handbook, which I wrote years ago and recently updated for the Kindle, will help provide specific guidelines for exercising.
  1. Top High Intensity Training Site -
  2. High Intensity Strength Training Tips
  3. FREE Report - 6 Pack Abs Revealed!
  4. High Intensity Strength Training Tips -...
  5. High Intensity Training Tips
  6. Strength Training Intensity - Train to M...
  7. Top Rated High intensity Training Books...
  8. Recovery from High Intensity Workouts
  9. High Intensity Strength Training Video
  10. Highly Recommended Sites
  11. High Intensity Strength Training - Nutri...
  12. Do you perform high intensity weight tra...
  13. Some Great Links for You!
  14. High Intensity Workouts

Five Corners Vermont

Many years ago my parents took a trip to central Vermont and they searched for a found the ling deserted village of Five Corners Vermont. My mother in particular was very interested in this lost village so she researched and eventually wrote an article about it. My father who had been a cartographer in the army made a map. To learn all about the lost village of Five Corners Vermont go to
  1. Five Corners Vermont - A Visit to a Lost...
  2. The Deserted Village of Five Corners Ver...
  3. The History of Five Corners Vermont
  4. Five Corners VT - Did Anything Ever Happ...
  5. In Five Corners - A Look At Another Day...
  6. A Village is Reclaimed
  7. The Rise and Fall of Five Corners Vermon...
  8. Five Corners Vermont is Found!
  9. A Map of Five Corners Vermont
  10. New England History from Amazon
  11. Panning for Gold at Five Corners, Vermon...
  12. Have You Ever Visited Vermont?
  13. More Interesting Sites
  14. Amazon's Kindles on Sale!
  15. Legacy of a Lost Village

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fly Fishing in New England

As an avid fly fisherman I really enjoy providing folks with helpful information on this wonderful sport. I have been fly fishing in New England for most of my life and I have had some great experiences and learned about some of the best areas. The Berkshires in Mass, the Green Mountains in Vermont and the White Mountains in NH are all really good with many streams and pond that offer good trout fishing. The region of northern Maine may actually be my favorite. Along with fine brook trout fishing there are many areas that have great landlocked Salmon fishing. The fish are so much fun to fish for. You can read some details about all these area at Fly Fishing New England.
  1. The #1 Rated Fishing Movie!
  2. Fly Fishing in New England - Western Mas...
  3. Better Fly Fishing for You!
  4. Fly Fishing New England - Brook Trout fi...
  5. Fly Fishing New England - Central Mass.
  6. More Great Fishing Sites
  7. Fly Fishing in New England - Eastern Mas...
  8. Flyfishing in New England - NewHampshire
  9. Fly Fishing New England - The Great Stat...
  10. Fly Fishing New England - Western Maine
  11. Fly Fishing in New Engalnd is Great but....
  12. Tumbledown Pond
  13. Fly Fishing New England
  14. Flyfishing in New England
  15. Fly Fishing New England comments......
  16. Great Fishing gear on Amazon
  17. New England Fly Fishing Destinations

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vermont Camping

As a avid camper and fisherman and a member of the Nahanni Camping and Fishing Club I always look forward to out annual camping trip to northern Vermont. The most recent trip was a lot of fun and it was great to see everybody. The weather was a bit col but we all had out cold weather sleeping bags so that was not a problem. You can read more about the trip at our official site - Nahanni Camping and Fishing Club. Most of us will not go camping again until the spring although I hope to get some fall or winter camping of at least some hiking accomplished.
  1. Coleman North Rim 0-Degree Mummy Bag
  2. Zero Degree Sleeping Bags
  3. Coleman North Rim 0-degree Mummy Bag
  4. Camping is Fun... with a Warm Sleeping B...
  5. The Coleman Company and Cold Weather Sle...
  6. Coleman Cold Weather Sleeping Bags
  7. Do you like camping in cold weather?
  8. Featured Lenses
  9. Cold Weather Camping

Welcome to My Blog

Hi, My name is David and I want to welcome you to my blog. What is new with me? I have been creating and finding some very cool stuff on line. I want to share these things with other people and I look forward to letting you know about the stuff I am involved with. Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you come back soon. David